Here is this week's guess the planet post. What is the dark smudge in the lower part of this image, and what solar system body is this?
Apologies that this post is slightly delayed, this week is a bit busier than usual. The answer will be posted on Saturday rather than Friday, so that you get the usual length of time to think about the answer.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Friday, 25 November 2016
Geysers on Enceladus
This week’s image comes from Enceladus, an icy moon of Saturn.
Credit goes to the Cassini team. The Cassini spacecraft orbits Saturn and
performs frequent flybys of the various moons that orbit the gas giant.
This image shows plumes, or geysers erupting from the surface
of the moon. They originate near the south pole of Enceladus and the material
they eject seems to feed into Saturn’s ring system. These eruptions are very
interesting as they are strong evidence for a process called Cryovolcanism. We
usually think of volcanoes as being very hot, erupting molten rock in the form
of Lava. On cold icy worlds like Enceladus similar processes are believed to
occur. However the materials involved are very different.
The term cryo comes
from a greek word meaning “icy cold” and this is very apt when discussing the
moons of Saturn. Instead of solid rock the surface of Enceladus is covered with
ice. At the surface this doesn’t often thaw, as temperatures never get high
enough. However it appears that the heat from the planets interior is sufficient
to melt ice in the subsurface. This liquid water likely behaves much as magma
does on Earth, including forming volcanoes in some areas. Cryolava erupts from
the moon’s surface forming the geysers pictured here.
Cryovolcanism had been posited on a variety of cold planets
and moons, including Europa, Titan and Pluto. However most of the evidence for
cryovolcanism on these bodies came from the identification of features which
appear similar to terrestrial volcanoes. Without studying them on the ground,
or catching an eruption it is difficult to be certain whether they are really
cryovolcanic features or not. It wasn’t
until 2005 that this image, and others from Enceladus caught a cryovolcanic
process in the act. The existence of these plumes indicates that this moon is
geologically active and provides strong evidence that cryovolcanism is possible
across the colder regions of the solar system.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Guess the Planet 6: Jets
Here is this week's guess the planet, an image which some of you might be familiar with. I figured we'd go for a slightly different angle this time around. Which solar system body do you think is shown here, and what are the bright jets coming from its surface?
Check back on Friday for the answer!
Friday, 18 November 2016
Dune field
This week’s guess the planet picture comes from much closer
to home than some of our previous images. This is a scene of the Taklamakan
Desert on Earth. This sandy region in western china is quite sparsely inhabited.
It is the world’s second largest “erg” or area of continuous sand. Many other
deserts are larger, but only the interior of the Arabian peninsula has a larger
expanse of shifting sand.
Since this image comes from Earth we can get some good
colour pictures for a change. Here is an alternate view, of an area a little to
the west of the section I posted on Monday.
Here you can see a road crossing
the desert on the left hand side of the image. Credit for this picture goes to
the Landsat team, and Google Earth. The striking dune patterns we see here are the result of
aeolian processes, which means that they are shaped by the wind. This means
that dune fields can only occur on planets which have a significant atmosphere.
Most of the larger terrestrial planets have an atmosphere of some sort. Earth
and Venus have the thickest atmospheres, while that of Mars is much thinner.
Mercury and many of the solar system’s moons are largely airless, they do not
have sufficient gravity to retain an atmosphere so gases which form there are quickly
lost to space.
Whether a planet has an atmosphere or not has huge
implications for the geomorphology, because the movement of air is a very
important process for eroding and weathering a planet’s surface.
Erosion is the process which breaks down the surface of the
planet, shattering stone and grinding down mountain ranges. It can occur through
a variety of different processes including wind, water, chemistry and life. On bodies
which lack most of the above the most significant erosive force can be the
impact of meteorites. Chemical weathering can theoretically occur anywhere, but
generally requires water to get the process started.
Dune fields and ergs are found across the solar system. Mars
has small dune fields in many of its impact craters. Massive ergs surround the
polar caps. Dune fields have been observed on Venus and on Titan.
Studying the
dune patterns can tell you a lot about the prevailing winds and the material
which is being moved around by them. I’ll be featuring a few different types of
dunes in future posts. The ones we’re looking at today are called linear dunes.
They consist of parallel ridges of sand, generally waving. The direction of
sand movement is along the long axis of the dunes. These often form in
bidirectional wind regimes, where there are two dominant wind directions. This is
very useful information if we are looking at another planet, and can’t put
sensors ont he ground to measure wind speeds.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Guess the Planet 5: Ripples
In this weeks guess the planet we'll look at these ripple like features. Where in the solar system can they be found? Check back on Friday for the answer in a more detailed post about these features.
Friday, 11 November 2016
Buried impact crater on Mercury
This week’s guess the planet image comes from Mercury, and
was imaged by the messenger spacecraft in 2011. Unfortunately the messenger
team haven’t provided scale information to go with this image in their gallery,
although we can infer that it covers quite a large area.
The most obvious feature of this image is the heavily
cratered plane, however there are some other features of note as well. Craters are
depressions, so they have what we call “negative relief”, they go down into the
surface of the plane. However there are also some positive relief features in
this image, narrow ridges which stick up out of the surface of the plane. The
main thing I want to talk about this week is how to distinguish between the two
types of feature in images like this.
When you first looked at this picture, many of you may have seen
the craters as domes, sticking up out of the image. This is quite a common
optical illusion. Because we are looking down on the area, all we have to tell
us which are positive features and which are a negative are the shadows. But it
can be hard to figure out where the sun is coming from. Luckily we know what
craters are and can easily identify them. Since they have to be negative relief
features we can work out that the sun is coming from the bottom left corner of
the image, and casting shadows over the crater floors. Knowing this doesn’t necessarily
make it easier to see them as depressions, if you have got stuck seeing them as
domes. One good way to trick you mind into seeing the image correctly is
actually to turn it upside down.
Once we can distinguish between negative and positive relief
features we can interpret the image. We can see that this cratered plane is
crisscrossed by ridges, and that they form a large circular feature on the left
hand side of the image. These are called “wrinkle ridges”, which form as a
result of the contraction of cooling lava. These features are not unique to Mercury,
but are also common on the moon, and have been observed in some locations on
Mars as well. These ridges are interesting as they appear to
be following the rim of a large, buried impact crater.
This crater would once have been an obvious feature of the
landscape. However it has been completely buried when this region, part of Mercury’s
volcanic planes, was inundated with lava. As this lava cooled contraction occurred,
causing the development of the wrinkle ridges. The presence of the buried
crater had a controlling effect on the development of these ridges causing them
to form in a circle. The result is that we can still see where the crater once
was. It’s amazing what you can figure out from a few shadows!
Image Credit:
Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of
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