Tuesday, 18 October 2016

What will we learn from ExoMars?

As I write a new spacecraft has arrived at Mars, and its lander is preparing for its nerve-wracking descent.

ExoMars is a joint European and Russian mission. It aims to place two landers on the surface of Mars between now and 2020, as well as putting a new satellite in orbit. The first stage of the mission has reached the most nerve-wracking point. The Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) has arrived over Mars, and the Schiaparelli lander has detached and is about to attempt to land in the Meridiani Planum region. Another spacecraft will follow in 2020 delivering a second lander to the red planet.  

So what is this mission about and what do we hope to learn from it? 

ExoMars stands for Exobiology on Mars, so unsurprisingly one of its key goals is to look for evidence of past or present life. To this end the Trace Gas Qrbiter will be examining the thin martian atmosphere in far more detail than ever before. The atmosphere of Mars is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, with a small amount of nitrogen. However there are also very small amounts of other “trace” gasses.  

These trace gasses only make up a few parts per billion (ppb) of the martian atmospheric composition, a fraction of a fraction of a percent. Nonetheless they could hold a key to understanding the martian environment. Of particular interest is methane. On earth Methane is produced by a variety of processes, including human activity, volcanic eruptions and biological processes. 

These trace gasses break down over fairly short time scales. I should note that this is “fairly short” as far as geologists are concerned. Methane is expected to have a life time of a few hundred years in the martian atmosphere, making its formation very recent in geological terms. This means that these gases were likely produced in the present era, rather than being a relic of a time when there were dramatically different environmental conditions on Mars.

Methane has been observed by the Mars Express orbiter, and by telescopic observations from Earth. It was also detected by NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover in Gale Crater, which estimated the local methane concentration to be around 0.7 ppb. Observations of Methane have been contentious, because it is very hard to make reliable measurements of such small concentrations. The TGO satellite will produce far more reliable data. It will confirm the observations of Methane, and will be able to map their source regions, and study their variations over time. 

Since microorganisms produce most of Earth’s methane its presence on Mars could indicate life. However an abiotic source of methane, that is one which is not related to biology, could be just as exciting, for us geologists at least. The hydrogeochemical processes that produce methane at deep sea vents on Earth could well be responsible for producing it on Mars as well. This explanation wouldn’t make as many headlines, but would tell us a lot about subsurface aquifers on Mars, and the chemical processes which are going on in them. 

The TGO can tell us where the methane is coming from, but it can’t delve into the ground to work out whether it’s being produced by microorganisms or not. For that we need landers which can conduct experiments on the surface. These sorts of measurements are called “in situ” data, and can be used to confirm the observations of remote instruments such as those on TGO. Getting this in situ data is the goal of the 2020 Lander, which will have a rover and an extensive scientific payload. 

However there is always going to be a limit to what can be done on Mars. We are getting very good at miniaturising scientific instruments and shipping them to other planets, but for best results we need to bring martian material back to earth to examine it here. Such a “sample return” mission is still a long way from being feasible, but the other main goal of ExoMars is to demonstrate the technology which will one day allow us to do it. 

The 2016 The Schiaparelli lander is an “Entry, descent and landing Demonstrator Module” (EDM), and it is all about testing the landing technology. Landing on Mars is hard, and many missions have failed to reach the surface. If we want to land expensive scientific payloads on Mars, or collect samples for analysis on Earth then we need a reliable means of landing spacecraft. If this week’s landing goes without a hitch then that will be great. The stationary lander will be able to make some useful observations of the martian surface. However its battery will only last a few days. Its main function is to allow us to fine tune the landing systems which will take future spacecraft to the surface. To this end its scientific payload is mainly made up of instruments to study the descent.
Over the coming years the data from the TGO will be used to inform the aims of the 2020 mission, and the information collected by Schiaparelli will allow the ExoMars engineers to improve on their landing technology and increase the likelihood of success.
I wish the ExoMars team the best of luck over the coming hours. A great many people will be waiting with baited breath to see how this mission progresses.
Live coverage of the landing from ESA will be taking place over the 19th and 20th of October. See this website for more details. 

Further Reading:
Information about the ExoMars Mission at the ESA Website
More information about the detection of methane on Mars:

Image Credit: Schiaparelli separating from the Trace Gas Orbiter, ESA/ATG medialab

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