This week’s
guess the planet image is a type of solar system object we’ve not covered
before. This is an image of the Asteroid 234 Ida. It comes from a close approach
by the NASA Galileo spacecraft in 1993, and credit goes to the NASA Jet
Propulsion laboratory. More information about how this image was acquired can
be found at this link. Interestingly the Galileo team didn’t know precisely
where the asteroid was located prior to the close approach, so this image is
made up of five frames out of 30 which were taken in this region of space, to
make sure that the asteroid was imaged.
Asteroids are
found throughout the solar system, but one of the largest groupings is the
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which is where 234 Ida is located. This
is quite an interesting region of space, as it contains a very large number of
bodies, including the dwarf planet Ceres.
The asteroid
belt was discovered as a result of a peculiar phenomenon called the Titius-Bode
Law. During the eighteenth century astronomy was taking off. One issue that
intrigued the early astronomers was whether there were other planets beyond the
six which had been known since antiquity. They were looking for patterns in the
skies, and a German astronomer named Johann
Daniel Titius seemed to have found one.
He observed a pattern in the distribution of the known planets, namely
that each planet was approximately twice as far from the sun as the previous
one. He was able to derive a mathematical relationship which seemed to describe
the precise positions of the planets, but there was a gap in the sequence.
Titius’ model predicted that there should be a planet in what is now
known to be the orbit of the asteroid belt. This gave the astronomers of the
day somewhere to start looking, and it wasn’t long before they discovered
Ceres, and later the other large asteroids. It seemed as though this law could
be used to derive the locations or further planets, and astronomers began searching
for further objects in the outer solar system, ultimately discovering Uranus in
pretty much the location predicted by the law. Unfortunately there was no
physical reason why the distribution of the planets should fit this pattern.
It wasn’t until the discovery of Neptune, in an entirely different
location to that predicted by Titius, that faith in the law began to fade. The discovery
of further dwarf planets, which also don’t fit the model, has provided further
proof that the supposed relationship was coincidental. The Titius-Bode law has
now been thoroughly discredited, but it played an important role in the
discovery of some of the most interesting objects in the solar system.
It is possible that this pattern
evolved from the orbital resonances caused by the interactions of the planets. Large
planets influence the orbits of their neighbours, and can create regions where planets
do not easily form, and stable orbits cannot occur, since the motion of objects
there is gradually perturbed by contact with its neighbours.
This brings us back to the asteroid belt. It was initially thought that
the asteroids might be the remnants of a planet which had been destroyed by a catastrophic
impact. However this doesn’t seem to be the case. Almost all of the mass of the
asteroid belt is found in the four largest bodies, and there isn’t sufficient
mass to produce a large planet.
It seems more likely that the gravitational effect of Jupiter prevented
the formation of a planet in this region of space, stopping the various
planetesimals from coalescing into a larger body. This is supported by the variety
of compositions found across the asteroid belt. Different objects are made up
of different materials. Silicaceous or stony asteroids like Ida are composed primarily
of rock, while others have a more metallic composition.
One metallic asteroid is 216 Kleopatra, which was imaged using radar signals from the Aricebo Observatory. Most asteroids are fairly irregular in shape, with very few being anywhere near spherical. This body takes this to an extreme, as it is made up of two very distinct sections, separated by a narrow section. This is believed to be a “contact binary”, it was once two separate objects, but they were drawn together by their mutual gravity and merged into a single object. These kinds of collisions and mergers aren’t particularly common in the asteroid belt, as objects there are so spread out. However as the impact craters on Ida attest collisions do occur, and can result in some very interesting shapes.
Image Credits: NASA/JPL
234 Ida:
216 Kleopatra:
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