Monday, 4 September 2017

Detecting Exoplanets

This week’s image is not a true colour photograph. In fact it isn’t a photograph at all, but rather the results of a model of atmospheric temperature. The planet being modelled is further away than any of the objects I’ve talked about before on this blog. This is the snappily named HD 80606b a “hot Jupiter” gas giant planet in orbit around the star Struve 1341B. This means that it is similar in size and mass to Jupiter, but orbits much closer to its sun. If it were in our solar system it would be inside the orbit of the Earth. It is located in the constellation of Ursa Major and is approximately 190 light years from Earth. The model shown above was created using data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. Exoplanets, those which orbit other suns, are too far away for us to clearly image them as we would with a planet in our own solar system. Nonetheless it is amazing how much information we can gather using a variety of astronomical techniques.

For a long time it was uncertain whether there actually were planets orbiting other stars. We presumed that our solar system was the norm, but had very little evidence to back this up. This all changed in the mid 1990’s when astronomers confirmed the presence of extrasolar planets, since then we have detected, and confirmed the existence of more than 3000 exoplanets of varying sorts. These include small objects, around twice the mass of Earth’s Moon, to massive objects which dwarf Jupiter. HD 80606b is four times as massive as Jupiter, although its radius is slightly smaller. This means that although it is also a gas giant, it is much denser. 

So how do we tell whether planets orbit a distant star? There are numerous techniques for detecting exoplanets, HD 80606b was detected using the transit method. All planets orbit their host stars, and this means that if the solar system is angled correctly they will occasionally pass between their star and Earth. By observing the brightness of the star over long periods of time, we can detect periodic dimming events, caused by the planet briefly blocking out some of the light. The extent to which the light from the star is dimmed can tell us a lot about the physical properties of the planet, and from the period at which dimming events occur we can determine the length of time it takes for a planet to orbit its star. Of course a planet that is far from its star won’t transit very often, and so it might not be possible to determine the period of the orbit using this method if it will be hundreds of years before the next transit occurs! As some of the light from the star passes through the planet’s atmosphere during a transit it can also give us information about that. 

Luckily there are other methods which can tell us a lot about an exoplanet. For example we can measure changes in the radial velocity of a star in response to an orbiting planet. All objects in space respond to the gravity of the bodies around them. A star tends to be much more massive than its orbiting planets, so the effect which they have on it is tiny compared to the effect it has on them. Nonetheless it is often detectable, although it takes very careful measurements to do so. The Earth only causes a 12 cm/s difference in the speed at which the sun moves relative to the centre of mass of the solar system, this is tiny, but can be measured. This means that Earth sized objects can potentially be detected. 

HD 80606b has another interesting property, which brings us back to the model results in this week’s image. It has one of the most eccentric orbits of any known planet. According to NASA “The planet spends most of its time far away from its star, but every 111 days, it swings extremely close to the star, experiencing a massive burst of heat.” This leads to massive variations in temperature during the course of the orbit, and this is what is being modelled in the image above. If you follow this link,  they discuss hot Jupiter planets in more detail, and have a video showing the changes in temperature across the planet as it moves through its orbit. The image I shared above comes from just after the closest approach, but the planet soon cools down as it travels further from the star.

 Apologies for the delay in posting this week's blog. There will not be a guess the planet in the first week of September, as I'm still rushing around madly this weekend. Things should get back to normal from next Monday, or at least I hope they will!

Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MIT/Principia College

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